14 Oct WOD- Saturday, Oct 15
Martina Tran is our Athlete of the Month for October! Check out Tina’s CrossFit story here.
8:30 am Lite N Tite
“DB Air Air Force”
30 Thrusters
30 2 arm swings
30 Push Press
30 Bent Over Rows
30 Front Squat
With 4 burpee EMOM, start with burpees
Alt. tabata
super/hollow rock
9:30 am and 10:30 am Regular CrossFit
WOD 1:
Death By Double under
-increase reps EMOM
Lv1: 2,4,6…
Lv2: 3,6,9….
Lv3: 5,10,15..
12 min cap
When can no longer complete the given amount of reps in that minute, start back at beginning. Everyone goes for all the 12 min
OHS-Every 2 min
WOD 2:
Death by Pull-ups
Lv1: Jumping
Lv2: kipping
Lv3: Strict
The WOD is over after you fail to complete the given amount of reps in that minute
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