23 Oct WOD- Saturday, Oct 24
Check out our FALL EVENTS (click on the links for more info)
Don Wilson Golden West Invitational– Sunday Oct 25th (NO CLASS ON SUNDAY)
Halloween Hopper WOD and Costume Party– Saturday Oct 31st
Food Bank WOD– Wednesday, Nov 4th
Lite N’ Tite 9 am
WOD 1:
“Hundo the Purist”
100 Burpees for time
WOD 2:
5 rds E3MOM row 250m, then
7 Pull-ups
8 Push-ups
9 Sit ups
10 Air squats
9:30 and 10:30am Regular Class
15 min AMRAP With Partner:
20 S2OH @ 95/65
15 S2OH @ 115/85
15 S2OH @ 135/105
10 S2OH @ 155/125
Max reps S2OH @ 165/135
Buy-in before starting reps:
3 DL
2 Hang Squat cleans
**must do buy-in everytime after bar hits the floor, and picking it back up.
***share work. Only one person works at a time
10 Roll outs
10 Glute-Ham raises
10 Hollow Rocks
Let us present to you the Athlete of the Month October: Haydee Campos! See Haydee’s CrossFit journey here.
Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href=”http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/Oct/24″]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button]
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