18 Sep WOD- Saturday, Sept 19
Wish Team MURRRDDDAAA (Ja Rule Voice) good luck at the Caffeine and Kilos Competition today! Coaches Ty, Derek and Alexis will be up in Sacramento all day representing CFPH!
9 am Lite ‘N Tite WOD:
Skill: Rope Climb Technique
5, 40 ft sled push
1 Rope climbs/ 4 rope walks
10 ManMakers
15 Box jumps
Cash Out:
5, 40 ft sled push
9:30 and 10:30 CrossFit WOD:
- Benchmark Test:
10 min to find Max Box Jump Height
WOD: for time
Run 1 mile
30 T2B
30 OH Walking Lunges 45/25
Run 800m
20 T2B
20 OH Walking Lunges 45/25
Run 400m
10 T2B
10 OH Walking Lunges 45/25
Let us present the athlete of the month for September: Nick Poggetti! Read more about Nick’s CrossFit journey here.
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