WOD- Sunday, Dec 14th

Athletes Cup 2014

What a successful 3rd Annual Holiday Athlete’s Cup! Thank you for all of you who came out and gave it your all. Big thanks to all the coaches and volunteer judges, LJ for doing the scoring, and DJ Captain Colombo and DJ RR for brining the beats!

Congratulations to the winners:

Best Technique: Richard Klein!
Men’s Rx Champ: Dave Lohrey (tied with Luke Boralsky, but Dave won the impromptu beer chug contest)
Women’s Rx Champ: Kirsten Pfenning
Men’s Scaled Champ: Norman Pai
Women’s Scaled Champ: Anna Parks


    Snatch Pull

WOD: For time

    30 Snatches (65/45)
    800 m run
    20 Snatches (95/65)
    400m run
    10 Snatches (115/85)
    200 m run

    Scaled: start with a lighter load and increase by 10-20#

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