10 Feb WOD- Sunday, Feb 11
Time to sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open 2018!! Open to all levels! You do not have to decide on going Rx or Scaled until each WOD is announced. Detail on our schedule of hosting the Open will be announced next week! Sign-up HERE.
9:30 and 10:30am CrossFit
Muscle-up drills.
Scaled: Jumping bar muscle-up drills.
WOD: for time
Partner WOD
“The Boys”
20 min AMRAP
Relay style
1 MU
11 Hang Power Clean
18 DU
Lv1: 85/55
Lv2: 115/75
Lv3: 135/95
Jumping bar MU
This WOD comes from New Species CrossFit, in remembrance of their members, who lost their twin boys shortly after their birth.
“Of the more than 3000 WODs I’ve written, I write this one with the heaviest heart. On January 11th, 2018; 2 of our tribe lost their 2 twin boys. Judson John and Drew Barron were born at 11:38 and 11:44 pm. Jessie gave birth to two live boys who took their last breaths shortly after. Barron and Jessie have shown incredible strength and used those moments with their boys to be taught more about life than they ever imagined. Barron and Jessie’s last goal and milestone with their boys was to “live for them”. In this time of tragedy, let us all be reminded to hug the ones we love and to value every moment we have. Life can be a short, fragile thing and every single breath is a blessing. Today with our efforts, we honor the boys and we revel in and are thankful for every breath we take today in their honor. Those of you that know and love Barron and Jessie, hug them, high five them and give them love. Today we celebrate life, many of us right by Barron’s side. We love you guys, I love you guys. Thank you for the honor of knowing you.”
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