24 Jun WOD- Sunday, June 25
9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit
Death by weight…
EMOM 1 Clean and Jerk-
(must pass through a squat)
increase 10# every min until failure
starting weights:
Scaled: 75/55
Rx: 135/95
“Contra Costa WOD 2”:
12 min AMRAP- partner
35 KBS
25 T2B
30 Alt KB Snatch
20 Alt Pistols
25 Gob squats
15 Burpee C2B
20 Alt KB lunges
10 BMU
35 KBS
25 Knee raises
30 Alt KB Snatch
40 Air Squats
25 gob Squats
15 Burpee to target
20 Alt KB Lunges
10 C2B pull-ups
Switch as desired, one person works at a time.
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