06 Aug WOD- Thursday, Aug 7
SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS – Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU.
1. HS hold against wall, 2×30 sec
2. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3×5
3. Tripod to headstand against wall 2×8
WOD: Thursday, Aug 7
Strength: Weighted Ring Push-ups 5×5
Lv1: Unweighted regular push-ups
Lv2: Unweighted ring push-ups
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
2, 45ft heavy prowler/sled push buy-in then,
increasing ladder by 3 reps (3,6,9,12…)
Box Jumps
Single arm KB/DB push press (ea arm)
Lv1: 20/17.5″, 25/15
Lv2: 24/20″, 35/25
Lv3: 24/20″, 53/35
*both sleds and the prowler can be used. add weight to them 25-50# depending on athlete. This will be in the coaches hands
WOD Prep with Yasmen:– how to prepare your body for the WOD
1. T-spine smash
2. Tricep Extension Smash
3. Barbell Calf Smash
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