24 Dec WOD- Thursday, Dec 25th Christmas Day
Merry Christmas!
WOD: “12 days of Christmas”
For time:
1 Clean & Jerks (12 total)
2 Deadlifts (22 total)
3 Burpees (30 total)
4 Pull-ups (36 total)
5 Wall Balls, 20 lbs (40 total)
6 Box Jumps, 20 in (42 total)
7 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 (42 total)
8 Ring Dip (40 total)
9 Push-ups (36 total)
10 KB/DB Snatch (53/35) (30 total)
11 Toes 2 Bar (22 total)
12 Front Squats (12 total)
*this WOD is performed just as the song is sung. You must repeat the entire list every time before you start the next movement.
Follow our class schedule to see an updated class schedule during the Holidays!
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