06 Dec WOD- Thursday, Dec 7
This Saturday- 90 min Rowing Clinic with colligate and Olympic Crew Coach, Cory Bosworth! Come and learn how to start perfecting your technique to be able to more efficiently. See event details here.
Skillz and Drillz:
Rolling Pistol Progression
-candlestick roll to stand
-lower down on 1 foot, stand up on 2 feet.
-lower down on 1 foot, stand up on 1 foot.
Bar MU drills
-hip to bar
Alternating EMOM 30 min
6 Pistols
3 Bar MU/ 6 C2B/ 6 pull-ups
6 Deficit HSPU*
*HSPU scaled options:
-1 wall walk + 10 sec hold
-3 negatives, -3-6 kipping
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