18 Feb WOD- Thursday Feb 19
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! It is the year of the Goat. This is a bit auspicious for us being at the base of Potrero Hill, which used to be called Potrero Nuevo “new pasture”, and was home to cattle and goats…hence the name of one of our local businesses, “Goat Hill Pizza.”
In observance of the Chinese New Year, find your “Goat” – this is the CrossFit term for a movement that you are not very good at, in fact, a movement you hate to do and suck at performing. Make it your goal to practice this movement this year, get better at it – if you don’t know how, ask one of our coaches to show you. You’ll find that the movements you’re already good at will get better as a result.
Mobilize Ankles and shoulders
Every 3 min for 5 rds:
min 1- 4 Snatch Pulls
min 2- 3 Hang Snatches
min 3- 2 Snatches
That is 1 round, do 5 rounds total
(15 min)
3 rds for quality
15 GHD sit ups
30 sec L-sit hold
Lv1: 20” box knees bent
Lv2: parallets knees bent
Lv3: rings knees straight
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