20 Jun WOD- Thursday, June 21
This Saturday we are hosting OUTWOD for PRIDE Weekend!
Schedule of the day:
8:30am Lite N Tite
10:00-11:30am OUTWOD (sign-up here)
11:30 am Barbell Club
Alternating EMOM 10 min
-Strict Press x5 (Start at 75%)
-3 Box Jumps @ high
4rds for time
10 Push Press
12/10 Cal Row
20 V-ups
12/10 cal Bike
*if necessary, start at different stations to share equipment
Lv1: 85/60
Lv2: 115/75
Lv3: 135/95
*20 min cap*
See the Weekly Program Skeleton HERE.
Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard
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