25 Jun WOD- Thursday, June 26
Show your SF PRIDE this Saturday, June 28th with us! We will be having regular class times with DJ Colombo, BBQ, and BEER! Come wearing Bright Colors and/or Rainbows! YAY!
WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to prepare your body for the Pistol and HSPU:
1. Overhead Banded Distration
2. T-spine smash
Start: Burgener Warm-up
Check out this article how to let go of the bar: the most common error of novice lifters. It will help your clean!
WOD– 10 rounds:
In 45 sec complete 3 Cleans @70%
and then max burpees in the remaining time.
45 sec rest
Lv1: Hang Power Clean
Lv2: Power Clean
Lv3+: Squat Clean
Accumulate 3 min plank on elbows for time
(5 min cap)
Lv1: BW
Lv2: 25/15
Lv3: 35/25
Lv4: 45/35
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