27 May WOD- Thursday, May 28
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks!
Test 1 Rep Max (pick one)
Back Squat, Bench Press or Deadlift
(20 min)
We will be testing 1 lift of your choice today and Friday. Get it in!
WOD: for time
10 Over unders
20 Wall balls
100m MB carry
15 Over unders
25 Wallballs
200m MB carry
20 Over unders
30 Wallballs
400m MB carry
Lv1: 14/10
Lv2: 16/12
Lv3: 20/14
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