22 Oct WOD- Thursday, Oct 23
This FRIDAY! Watch Game 4 of the WORLD SERIES equipped with a Paleo Potluck and Pumpkin Carving! Bring a dish and a pumpkin. 6-9pm
No class or open gym this Saturday for the Scream Team competition! Find a partner (guy/guy and gal/gal) to compete with! 3 events, all level friendly. No registration required! Show us your costumes!
FYI we will be testing Back Squat max on Friday- Mark your calendars!
Strength: Bench Press
15-20 min to find 1RM
WOD 1: 10 rounds
30 sec Row for calories
30 sec rest
Post lowest calorie score
WOD 2: 6 min AMReps
Double unders
with a push up penalty for stopping
Lv1: singles, 5 push-ups
Lv2: 2 push ups
Lv3: 5 push ups
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