12 Apr WOD- Tuesday, April 12
Back Squat
Wendler wk1
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x Max reps
*If you missed a lift from Wk 1 last week (Push Press, or Deadlift) you can sub out BS for one of those. Otherwise, try to beat your MR from last week). Read about the Wendler 5-3-1 cycle here.
5 rounds for time
8 C2B Pull-ups
10 Front Squats (from floor)
200 m run
16 min cap
Lv1: 65/45, jumping/banded pull-ups
Lv2: 95/65, pull-ups
Lv3: 115/75
6:00 pm Lite N Tite
4rds- 25 min cap
200 m run
25 OH sit-ups w/ plate
25 walking lunges
25 burpees
reverse tabata L-sits
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