15 Aug WOD- Tuesday, Aug 16
Now featuring the Athlete of the month for August: Adam Clemente! Learn more about Adam’s CrossFit Journey HERE.
To ensure safety and respect of other athletes and coaches, next week we will be enforcing a new late policy. If arriving 10 min late or more, you cannot take class. Thank you for your understanding!
Strength A:
Every 90 sec for 6 sets
Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat
Strength B:
Every 2 min for 10 min
5 Back Squats @ 80-85%
CrossFit Open 11.3
5 min AMRAP
Squat Clean and Jerk for max reps
Lv1: 85/60
Lv2: 135/95
Lv3: 165/110
6pm Lite N Tite
Skill: Rowing tech
6 rounds for time:
400m row
25 burpees
(target 1ft above reach)
15 burpees
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