04 Aug WOD- Tuesday, Aug 5
Warm: 3rds
5 donkey burpees
5 candlestick burpees
Spider lunge 5 hip circles
Skill of the month drills:
1. HS hold against wall 1 x30 sec
2. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 2×5
3. Tripod to headstand against wall 8 reps
WOD: “Midline March-ish”
3 rds:
25 V-Ups
40ft HS walk
14 Barbell OH Lunge Steps
Lv1: 30 sec HS hold 95/65
Lv2: 6 Wall Walk 115/75
Lv3: 135/95
*if you cannot do full ROM wall walk, you must to 30 sec HS hold
*no walking lunges unless permitted by coach (space reasons)
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