08 Aug WOD- Tuesday, Aug 9
18 min to complete:
3 working sets of 3 Push Press
3 working sets of 2 Push Jerk
3 working sets of 1 Split Jerk
*Off rack OK*
4 cycles:
3 min on/ 1 min off
4 Curtis P’s
8 T2B
Lv1: 65/45
Lv2: 75/55
Lv3: 95/65
Curtis P=
1 Power clean
1 R lunge
1 L lunge
1 Push press
*restart each cycle
6pm Lite N Tite
5 rounds for time
50 double-unders
15 45-lb. dumbbell squat cleans
15 burpees
50 double-unders
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