14 Dec WOD- Tuesday, Dec 15
Thank you to our member, Sasha Yevelev for the AMAZING CrossFit Holiday photos he took on Sunday! This one is of our heavy lifter, Medwin Mina, and his family!
- Strict Press 3,2,1,1,1
HSPU technique review
- Or practice headstands and kicking up to handstands on the wall
- 4 min AMRAP/ 2 min off- 3 cycles
- 5 HSPU/ 2 wall walks
- 6 Sumo DL
- 30 DU/ Lateral hops
Restart AMRAP each round
*sub HSPU with wall walks- no box or bar,
**must start in a Handstand, NOT a headstand!
Lv1: 135/95
Lv2: 185/135
Lv3: 225/155
6pm Lite N Tite WOD:
Skill: Handstands
WOD 1: 4 rounds for time
- 400m run
24 KB SN 35/25
WOD 2 : 20min
1 min on/off (5 rds)
-DB Walking lunges
Presenting ATHLETE OF THE MONTH December: Mila Yevelev! Learn more about Mila’s CrossFit Journey here.
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