22 Dec WOD- Tuesday, Dec 23
Follow our class schedule to see an updated class schedule during the Holidays!
Congratulations to Coach Ty (aka “The General”) and Tovah on their brand new baby girl, Raya! We all saw Ty come in and WOD all through the 9 months and now she is her on Dec 19th, 2014. Is she going to be an athlete or what!
Heads up, we will be testing maxes intermittently the next two weeks, working around the holiday schedule. The Wendler cycle will pick back up in the New Year.
Strength: EMOM 8 min
1 snatch pull+ 1 hang power snatch
*try to stay at the same weight all 8 rds.
WOD: 4 cycles
3 min AMRAP
8 Power Snatches
8 Shoot thrus
(no pushup or dip)
1 min rest
*restart AMRAP each cycle
Lv1: 65/45, 20″ box
Lv2: 95/65, jerk boxes (or stacked plates)
Lv3: 115/75, parallettes
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