26 Dec WOD- Tuesday, Dec 27
December Challenge Re-test
Max Unbroken:
Lv1- Pull-ups
Lv2- C2B
Lv3- BMU
Strict Press Wendler Wk 2
All % are based of 90% of 1RM
70% x3
80% x3
90% x Max reps
15 min EMOM
Min 1: 3 Clean & Jerk
Min 2: 2 C&J
Min 3: 1 C&J
Min 4: 3 C&J
Min 5: 2 C&J
Min 6: 1 C&J…
repeat the 3,2,1 pattern for 15 min
C&J are @ 70-75%
*squat clean*
6pm Lite N Tite
Row 800m
5 rd Sarah
Run 800m
4 rd Sarah
Row 500m
3 rds Sarah
Run 400m
2 rds Sarah
Row 250m
1 rds Sarah
run 200m
5 burpees
10 Ball slams
15 air squats
2-arm Bent over Rows with DB/ KB
Super set with 25 hollow rocks
Athlete of the month for December is Rob Ramirez! Congrats Rob! Check out Rob’s CrossFit story here.
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