17 Feb WOD- Tuesday, Feb. 18
Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held this Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O’Rourke.
Strength: Floor Press
10 min to work up to a heavy 2 rep, then drop weight 15% and go for max reps.
WOD: “Hundo the Purist”
For time: (18 min cap)
100 Burpee Pull-ups
*Important back story:
This is the first time I saw LJ working out in World Gym, (before I knew what CrossFit was). He was do a burpee, into a pull-up. I thought he was mad/ pretty bad ass.. Turns out, he was doing a hundred of them. For time. One of the reasons why we call him “Hundo” -Young Hollywood
Banded chest stretch, Banded Lat stretch, low back foam roll and stretches
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