29 Feb WOD- Tuesday, March 1
Snatch DL to knee + Snatch Pull
5 Rope Climb/ 25 K2E
5 Snatch 135/95
4 Rope Climb/ 20 K2E
4 Snatch 155/105
3 Rope Climb/ 15 K2E
3 Snatch 165/115
2 Rope Climb/ 10 K2E
2 Snatch 175/125
1 Rope Climb /5 K2E
1 Snatch 185/135
Lv1: start at 95/65- add 5-10 lbs each time
Lv2: start at 115/75 add 5-10 # each time
6pm Lite N Tite
20 min AMRAP
1 min on/off
Pull ups
Box jumps
Seated DB press 3×10
Introducing Athlete of the Month for February: Kimberly Stevenson!! See Kim’s CrossFit Journey here.
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