13 Mar WOD- Tuesday, March 14
Back Squat Wendler wk3, c2
75% + 10# x 5
85% + 10# x 3
95% + 10# x Max reps
% based on 90% of 1RM
2 min Row for max cal
3 min rest
1 min Row for max cal
2 min rest
30 sec Row for max cal
*if needed start 2nd heat on the 2:30 mark
Tabata hollow rocks
6pm Lite N Tite
Part 1:
30 sec on/off- 5rds
Assault bike for cal
DUs for reps
Part 2:
100 DB Clusters for time w/ burpee EMOM*
Lv1: 1 burpee 20/10
Lv2: 3 burpees 25/15
Lv3: 5 burpees 35/25
*start with clusters
18 min cap
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