05 Mar WOD- Tuesday, March 7
-Halting Clean pull
(at knee) 4x3reps
-Clean Pull
4x3reps @90-110% clean
4rds for time
200m MB run (20/14)
10 DB Power Cleans
DB Bear crawl (length of rig)
10 DB power cleans
DB bear crawl back (rig length)
*20 min cap*
Lv1: 25/15
Lv2: 35/25
Lv3: 50/35
6pm Lite N Tite
Alt EMOM 10
50 DU
9/7 cal bike
Rest 5 min
Alt EMOM 10
10 Ball to shoulder
40 Leg taps
(feet on ball)
Rest 5 min
Alt EMOM 10
Run 200 m
30 Air Squats
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