06 Nov WOD- Tuesday, Nov 7
UPDATE ***Get code to log your scores for Beyond the Whiteboard from coach or staff at the box ***
Every 90 sec x 8 sets
Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean
for time
Run 800m
30 Cleans
Run 800m
Power or squat cleans O.K.
Lv1: 115/75
Lv2: 155/105
Lv3: 185/125
6pm Lite N Tite:
Row 800m
5 rds Sarah
Run 800m
4 rds Sarah
Row 500m
3 rds Sarah
Run 400m
2 rds Sarah
Row 250m
1 rds Sarah
Run 200m
5 Burpees
10 Ball slams
15 Air squats
2-arm Bent over Rows with DB/ KB
Super set with 25 hollow rocks
Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard
Don’t have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide free access to this tool for our member athletes.
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