31 Mar WOD- Wednesday April 1
Announcement! Starting this week Clean Break Barbell Club will be meeting at a new time. Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays at 6:30pm-8pm. And Saturdays 11:30-1pm. If you are interesting in bettering your Olympic Lifts, and working on strength, then check out our barbell club!
STRENGTH: Wendler Wk 1
Bench Press
% based on 90% of 1 RM
65% x5
75% x5
85% x Max Reps
Split Jerks
WOD: 7 min cap
300 DU for time
Push-up penalty for stopping/ tripping
Lv1: 2 push-ups
Lv2: 3 push-up
Lv3: 5 push ups
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