01 Apr WOD- Wednesday, April 2
Strength: Good Mornings
x7 x7 x7 x7
*increase weight each set if necessary.
WOD: for time
Run 800m
8 DL @ 205/155 or 50-60% of 1RM (should be able to do 10 unbroken)
8 Pull ups
Run 400m
12 DL @ 205/155
12 Pull- Ups
Run 200m
16 DL @ 205/155
16 Pull ups
Run 400 M
12 DL @ 205/155
12 Pull ups
Run 800 m
8 DL @ 205/155
8 Pull-Ups
Finisher: Partner PNF Hamstring Stretch
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to mobilize before the WOD
1. Hamstring Floss
2. Hamstring Opener with Lacrosse Ball
3. QL Warm-Up and Stretch
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