09 Aug WOD- Wednesday, Aug 10
400 m run
10 scap pullups
10 scap pushup
20 hollow rocks
20 KBS
Skill/Warm-up cont:
2x: review movements first!
Ring drops/ Supports x5
Hip to rings x5
Low ring rows* x5
*pull hands to rib cage
Hang high pull x3
Muscle SN x3
Hang Power SN x3
Power SN x3
SN pull x 3
Every 90 sec- running clock for 7 sets
3×3 Power Snatch
4×2 Snatch Pull
*Increase weight each movement
(10:30 min)
14 min AMRAP
70 DU
7 MU
7 Snatch
Lv1: 50 Lateral Hops, 14 ring dips/push ups, 85/55
Lv2: 35 DU, 5 MU, 115/75
Lv3: 155/115
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