27 Jun WOD- Wednesday, July 28
Class Schedule Announcement!
After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no longer have a 1pm class and we will have 4pm class 5 days a week, Monday – Friday!
4th of July Schedule: 9:30 and 10:30 am class only!
Pause Split Jerks 3×3
(2 sec hold in catch position)
Split Jerk 3×2
100 DU buy-in,
Hang Power Cleans
100 DU cash out
Lv1: 300 singles, 65/45
Lv2: 50 DU, 85/60
Lv3: 115/75
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