01 Mar WOD- Wednesday, March 2
15 min for quality
Muscle-Up “Freestyle” Drills
-swing hip to rings
-ring support, drop to tuck
-banded “toe-hip”
-banded “toe-hip-knee”
15 min AMRAP for quality
Ring Rows x5 (vertical forearms)
Ring Support Holds x max time
GHD Sit-ups x10
Run 400
10 MU
50 DU
Run 400
15 Ring Dip (from high rings)
50 DU
Run 400
20 Ring Pull-ups
50 DU
Run 400
10 Ring Dips
25 DU/ 150 Singles
Run 400
15 Push-ups
25 DU/ 150 singles
Run 400
20 Pull-ups
25 DU/ 150 Singles
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