25 Mar WOD- Wednesday, March 26
Reebok CrossFit Shoot Day 2.
Rain or shine, all Regular Group Classes will be held outside Tuesday 3/25, Wednesday 3/36, and Friday 3/28.
Meet at the box as usual, stash your bike and stuff as usual and the WOD will carry-on outside.
Partner WODs at Jackson Park (17th and Arkansas)
Bring MB, KB/DB, measuring tape
1) Max Wheelbarrow walk distance- 2 attempts
2) Max Distance over the head MB throw- 4 attempts
(score is where the ball lands, rolling doesn’t count)
WOD 1: For Time
4 rounds
30 KB/DB snatches (one partner works at a time) @ 50/25# (-ish)
Buddy Carry 40 ft and back.
-2 min rest-
3 rounds of same thing
-1 min rest-
2 rounds of same thing
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