11 May WOD-Saturday, May 12
8:30 am Lite N Tite
For time:
10 Sprints, 100 m
60 Burpees
50 Pull-ups
40 Pistols
30 Kettlebell Swings, 72/53 lbs
20 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Sprints, 100 m
Share work as desired.
9:30 and 10:30 CrossFit
Strict press 5×5
20 min AMRAP
400m Dbl KB Farmer Carry (shared)
20 Syncro OH Lunges (single arm)
40 Dbl RKBS (shared)
20 Synrco KB push press (single arm)
-Each pair has one set of two KBs of the same weight. On the Farmer carry and Double RKBs, only one partner is working, and reps are shared. On the Lunges and Push Press, both partner are working in unison, both need to get 20 reps done at the same time, each has one KB.
-For the farmer carry partner is walking next to working partner and they can switch places at any time.
See the weekly program skeleton HERE.
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