27 Jul WOD- Saturday, July 28
8:30 am Lite N Tite
30 min AMRAP
Teams of 4, each person at a station:
-Row 20/15 cal (station time keeper*)
-MBC Wall Balls @ heavy
-Farmer Carry w/KBs
*A team member is at each station (including rest). When the person on the rower finishes, everyone rotates stations. Score is total reps of everything.
9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit
30 Front Squat for time (from floor) @ 75%
*7 min cap
Partner- share work as desired
12 min AMRAP
50 Power Cleans
100 Lateral Bar hops
50 Pull-ups
100m partner BB carry (both holding barbell)
50 Front Squats
Lv1: 75/55
Lv2: 105/70
Lv3: 135/95
See week program skeleton HERE.
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