CrossFit – Tue, Aug 6

Potrero Hill, South Park – CrossFit

WOD (20 Rounds for weight)

Death by Thruster


2, 4, 6, 8, 10

after 5 rounds (5 mins), increase 10# and start back at 2 reps

Starting weights

Lv1: 65/45

Lv2: 95/65

Lv3: 115/75

If completed reps 2-10 successfully (5 min), increase weight by 10#.

Keep adding 10# every 5 min until failure or completion at 20 min

Week Preview

Wed- TGU/ jump rope/ sit-ups

Thurs- Heavy snatch

Fri- Long benchmark chipper (light)

Sat- 3 couplets, partner WOD

Sun- Row/ Dips/ OHS

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