21 Nov WOD – Thursday, November 22nd
Happy Thanksgiving! 9:30am class only today! WOD: 21 MIN AMRAP 5 T2B 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats *Every 3 Min perform 35 DU/ 90 Singles ...
Happy Thanksgiving! 9:30am class only today! WOD: 21 MIN AMRAP 5 T2B 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats *Every 3 Min perform 35 DU/ 90 Singles ...
STRENGTH: Wendler Deadlift Week 3 Cycle 2 (20 min) % Based on 90% of 1RM 75% + 10# X 5 85% + 10# X 3 95% + 10# X Max Reps WOD: CrossFit Games Open 13.2 10 MIN AMRAP 5 Shoulder 2 Overhead 115/75 10 Deadlifts 115/75 15 Box Jumps 24/20 LV2: 95/65 LV1: 75/55 Log your...
STRENGTH: Wendler Strict Press Week 3 Cycle 2 (15 min) % Based on 90% of 1 Rep Max 75% + 5# X 5 85% + 5# X 3 95% + 5# X Max Reps WOD: 500M Row/ 24/20 Cal Bike 30 Pull-ups 30 SIt-ups 1k Row/ 48/40 Cal Bike 30 Sit-ups 30 Pull-ups 500M Row 24/20 Cal Bike *20 MIN...
STRENGTH: Wendler Back Squat Week 3 Cycle 2 (20 min) % Based on 90% of 1 Rep Max 75% + 10# X 5 85% + 10# X 3 95% + 10# X Max Reps WOD: 12 MIN AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10… Squat Cleans 135/95 Lateral Burpee Over Bar LV2: 115/75 LV1: 95/65 Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a...
Open for Sunday! STRENGTH 4 sets of 20 sec Back rack holds @ 110% Of 1RM Back Squat (1 min rest) *this is to prepare your CNS for heavy loads* WOD: All for time: 3rds 15 Wall Balls 10 Power SN (75/55) 1 min rest 3rds 50 DU 30 RKBS 72/53 1 min rest 3rds 15 T2B 10 Thrusters (75/55) 20...
Open for Saturday! Cardio is ill-advised. Note our strength/skill/accessory WOD programmed. 8:30 am Lite N Tite 4 sets for quality: -5 windmills each side at heavy -8 half kneeling Fillly press -8 Cossack squats each side Then, 4 sets for quality: -5 Single arm DB OHS at heavy -5 shoot...
For the safety of you and our coaches it is not advised to do prolonged strenuous activity with this air quality. Therefore, we will not hold any classes Friday. Sorry for the inconvenience, we know you’re itching to train! We will update you around...
EVENING CLASSES CANCELED: Due to deteriorating air quality, the box will be closed for the rest of the evening. World Gym is also closed. We will update you tonight on the status of classes for Friday. STRENGTH: Wendler Deadlift Week 2 Cycle 2 (20 min) % Based...
WOD 4 Rounds for time 500m row 75 DU/ 225 Singles 50 Sit-ups/35 Sit-ups 25 Push-ups 50ft Handstand walk/ 100ft Bear Crawl 1 min rest *35 MIN CAP Recovery: -T-spine smash with therapy balls -barbell/KB calf smash (2 min each side) -tricep barbell smash (2 min each arm) Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have...
We are operating on regular schedule! The garage door will remain closed to keep the smoke out, please enter through the side door. Note, it will be extra chilly inside (especially for the AM classes), so dress warm! STRENGTH: Wendler Strict Press Week 2 Cycle 2 (15...