WOD-Saturday, November 17

Open for Saturday! Cardio is ill-advised. Note our strength/skill/accessory WOD programmed.

8:30 am Lite N Tite

    4 sets for quality:
    -5 windmills each side at heavy
    -8 half kneeling Fillly press
    -8 Cossack squats each side


    4 sets for quality:
    -5 Single arm DB OHS at heavy
    -5 shoot thrus (parallettes) w/ a push-up and dip
    -45 sec hollow hold

9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit Class
STRENGTH: 15-20 min

    Wendler Make-up
    Back Squat, Strict Press or Deadlift
    Week 2 Cycle 2
    % Based on 90% of 1RM
    70% + 10# X 5
    80% + 10# X 5
    90% + 10# X Max Reps


    5 sets of:
    1 Snatch balance + 1 OHS
    Then find a heavy 3 rep OHS


    4 sets for quality:
    -5 Single arm DB OHS at challenging weight
    -5 shoot thrus (parallettes) w/ a push-up and dip
    -45 sec hollow hold

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