SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/7-7/13/14 1. Banded MU transition 2x5 2. Kipping MU transition Drill 2x5 3. Ring Dips 3x5-10/ Modify with Ring Supports (no bands!) 4. False Grip Hang 2x 10-20sec WOD-...

WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body for the WOD: 1. Shoulder Opener with Lacrosse Ball 2.Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach Strength: 20 mins to work up to a heavy set Lv1: 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 OHS -for technique Lv2: 3 Power Snatch + 3 OHS...

WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body for the WOD: 1. Overhead Banded Distration 2. Psoas Smash and Floss Strength: Good Mornings 5x10 @ 30-40% of your 1 RM Back squat WOD: For Time 21-15-9 Burpees Box jumps (24/20 inch) Ring Dips Toes to bar Lvl 1: Box step ups, Push up...

Happy 4th of July! 8:00 and 9:00 AM Class Only Here's a special one for ya! "July 4, 1776" 7 rounds with a 5 Air Squat EMOM: 4 HSPU 1 rope climb 7 Hang Squat Clean 95/65 7 Push Press 6 C2B Pull-ups (25 min Cap) Lv1: (no EMOM) 4 Wall Walks 7 K2A 7 Front Squats 65/45 7...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/1-7/6/14 1. Swing Hip to Rings 3x8 2. Ring Supports 3x8 3. Ring Rows 3x10 4. False Grip Hang 2x 10-20 sec WOD: Thursday, July 3 WOD Prep with Yasmen-...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/1-7/6/14 1. Swing Hip to Rings 3x8 2. Ring Supports 3x8 3. Ring Rows 3x10 4. False Grip Hang 2x 10-20 sec WOD: Wednesday, July 2 WOD Prep with Yasmen-...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: MUSCLE-UP Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups! Week 7/1-7/6/14 1. Swing Hip to Rings 3x8 2. Ring Supports 3x8 3. Ring Rows 3x10 4. False Grip Hang 2x 10-20 sec Tuesday, July 1st WOD WOD Prep with Yasmen-...

If you survived Pride, welcome back and happy pride! Now let's lift some weights! WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body for the WOD: 1. T-spine smash 2. Overhead Tissue Smash Strength: Clean and Jerk Drills- 12 min- 3x2 HSC+Jerk @ light 4x1 SC+Jerk @ working toward...

Happy Pride Weekend! WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body for the WOD: 1. Forearm Ball Smash 2. Low Back Warm-Up and Stretch Benchmark: “Christine” 3 rds for time 500 m row 12 DL @ BW 21 Box Jumps 24/21” Finisher: 3 rds 30sec stations, 10 sec rest/ transition time: -V-Ups -Russian Ball Twists -Wall Ball...

HAPPY PRIDE! We will be having normal class times, 9:30am, 10:30 am, 11:30am Intro, and 11:30-1:30 Open Gym. But during there will be Rainbows, DJs, BBQ and Beer! First-timers/ newbies are welcome to join in, as this is a scale-friendly WOD. $5 drop-in fee for...