PRIDE WOD & BBQ, Saturday, June 28

HAPPY PRIDE! We will be having normal class times, 9:30am, 10:30 am, 11:30am Intro, and 11:30-1:30 Open Gym. But during there will be Rainbows, DJs, BBQ and Beer!
First-timers/ newbies are welcome to join in, as this is a scale-friendly WOD. $5 drop-in fee for guests. Come showing off your most colorful gear in your wardrobe!

WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to have a better thruster:

    1. Tricep Extension Smash
    2. Trailing Leg Hip Extension

Partner WOD: “Over the Rainbow”

    400 m relay


    Burpee Box Jump Overs
    400 m run together. (Holding one jump rope)

    One person works at a time and takes turns going through the sets. Work is not shared. Each person does the same amount.

    Lv1: 65/45 or DB thrusters 25/15#
    Lv2: 75/55
    Lv3: 95/65
    Lv4: 115/75

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