STRENGTH: Bench Press 5x3 @ 82% of 1RM Last set deload to 70% of 1RM for max reps WOD: 2 rounds 400m MB carry 50 wallballs Sit-up Penalty every time MB touches ground. Cannot rest with ball on the wall. Lv1: 10 sit-ups Lv2: 15 sit-ups Lv3: 25 sit-ups Sasha Yevelev...

WOD: Partner Lion Heart A) 21-15-9 KBS Ring dips or Push ups Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/53 B) 15-12-9 C2B pull-ups or pull-ups Box Jumps (24/20) C) 9-6-3 DL Burpees over bar Lv1: 155/125 Lv2: 185/155 Lv3: 225/185 One partner does an entire WOD, while the other rests. After both partners have gone through the...

STRENGTH 1: 10 min to find 1RM Max Weighted Pull-up Lv1: max chin-over-bar hold STRENGTH 2: 4x8 Good Mornings WOD: 250 DUs for time jump squat penalty Lv1: Singles/ 10 jump squats Lv2: 5 jump squat Lv3: 10 jump squat 5 min Cap Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for...

STRENGTH: E2MOM for 8 min (4rds) 4 BS EMOM 6 min 2 BS Every 30 sec for 2 min- 1 BS Keep clock running. Goal is to Maintain Load. WOD: 8 min AMRAP 24 KB Snatch 16 Box Jumps (24/20") Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 53/35 Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check out Sasha's...

STRENGTH Alternting EMOM 12 3-6 Ring Dips 6-10 Ring Rows Heavy as possible Deep as possible WOD: 30 strict T2B then, 3 rds 400 Run 20 v-ups Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check out Sasha's CrossFit journey here. Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href=""]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD...

Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check out Sasha's CrossFit journey here. STRENGTH Every 90 sec for 15 min Snatch + Snatch balance + OHS Focus on Footwork no weight! WOD: 10 rds 5 Pull-ups 5 Thrusters Lv1: 55/35 Lv2: 65/45 Lv3: 75/55 Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button...

Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check out Sasha's CrossFit journey here. STRENGTH: Build up to a heavy set, Every 2 min for 20 min Tall-Hang Power Clean + Low-Hang Power Clean + Power Clean WOD: 5 min AMRAP Barbell Burpees Lv3: 65/45 Lv2: 85/60 Lv3: 115/75 Log your...

This month we are starting a new tradition to honor our members. Every month we will be profiling one of our very own athletes in a blog post called Athlete of the Month. Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check...

This month we are starting a new tradition to honor our members. Every month we will be profiling one of our very own athletes in a blog post called Athlete of the Month. Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check...