WORKOUT OF THE DAY A. 3 Sets 5 Skin the Cat 20 Partner Leg Throw B. Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes: 20 DU 15 V-Ups 10 Push Press 135/95 Rest 2 Minutes Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes: 20 DU 15 V-Ups 5 Push Jerk 185/125 Log your scores on

___________________________________ WORKOUT OF THE DAY Post 19.5 Work Warm Up 3 Sets 1 Min Bike/Row 30 Sec Side Plank R 30 Sec Side Plank L 6-8 Ring Push Ups (2020) A. 3 Sets 6-8 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (22X0) Rest 1 Min -Super Set- 3 Sets 6-8 Landmine Single Leg RDL (31X0) Rest 1 Min C. Complete as many rounds as...

The 2019 CrossFit Open has officially started!!Register HERE. Tomorrow we are excited to have Territory Meals providing food while we finish off the Open with 19.5!! Heats will run during class times, briefings...

The 2019 CrossFit Open has officially started!!Register HERE. This Friday we are excited to have Territory Meals providing food while we finish off the Open with 19.5!! Heats will run during class times,...

The 2019 CrossFit Open has officially started!!Register HERE. This Friday we are excited to have Territory Meals providing food while we finish off the Open with 19.5!! Heats will run during class times,...

The 2019 CrossFit Open has officially started!!Register HERE. The 2019 Open WODs will be programmed for classes on Friday from Feb. 21st-Mar. 25th Come for a fun atmosphere from 4pm-7pm for the official...

The 2019 CrossFit Open has officially started!!Register HERE. The 2019 Open WODs will be programmed for classes on Friday from Feb. 21st-Mar. 25th Come for a fun atmosphere from 4pm-7pm for the official "Friday Night Lights". Heats will run during class times, briefings will happen...

The 2019 CrossFit Open has officially started!!Register HERE. The 2019 Open WODs will be programmed for classes on Friday from Feb. 21st-Mar. 25th Come for a fun atmosphere from 4pm-7pm for the official...