31 Aug Labor Day WOD- Monday, Sept 1
Labor Day Schedule for Today:
8:30 am Elements
9:30 and 10:30 am regular class
9:30 Barbell Club
Labor Day Partner WOD:
1 round:
5 sled push/pulls
10 tire flips
1 min rest
2 rounds:
200 m farmer carry (one arm)
20 KB SN (one arm)
-1 min rest-
3 rounds:
30 DU
15 single arm thrusters (KB)
-1 min rest-
4 rounds
5 pull-ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
Tire Flips and sled push/pull, work is shared. The rest of the WOD partners do the same work at the same time. Rest does not begin until both partners are finish with each section.
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