14 Jan Tuesday, January 15th
Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE.
Back Squat 5 X 5 (25min)
Build to a moderate load and keep the same weight across for all 5 Sets.
Complete 3 Sets:
10 Back Rack Barbell Step Ups 20”
12 Back Extensions
15 Banded Hamstring Curls
*Focus on maintaining midline stability during step ups
Lite N’ Tite
“The Gradient Chipper”
300M Row
15 KBS
300M Row
15 KBS
15 Push-Ups
300M Row
15 KBS
15 Push-Ups
15 KBS Squats
300M Row
15 KBS
15 Push-Ups
15 KBS Squats
15 DB Push Press
300M Row
15 KBS
15 Push-Ups
15 KBS Squats
15 DB Push Press
15 Burpees
**Note we will be retesting “Grace” on 2/2/2019**
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