STRENGTH: Strict Pull-ups (weighted) 3-3-3-3-3 Rest 1.5-2min after each set WOD: “Goodbye Grip” 3 rounds for time 25 Hang Power Snatch 75 Double Unders 25 Toes-to-bar Lv1: 75/55 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3: 115/75 PEEK into the WEEK...
STRENGTH: Strict Pull-ups (weighted) 3-3-3-3-3 Rest 1.5-2min after each set WOD: “Goodbye Grip” 3 rounds for time 25 Hang Power Snatch 75 Double Unders 25 Toes-to-bar Lv1: 75/55 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3: 115/75 PEEK into the WEEK...
STRENGTH: 15 min to complete: Bench Press 5x5 Goal: 3 sets at same weight Partner WOD: 10 min AMRAP 7 Renegade Devils Press Bike for cal Partner 1 bikes while partner 2 does 7 RDP Switch places every time...
WELCOME TO OLY SUNDAYS! A day of the week you can count on to put some concentrated time in on your Olympic lifts. A. Every 90 sec x 4 sets Clean...
Partner Hero WOD: "31 Heroes" Teams of 2, complete as many rounds as possible in 31 mins of: 8 Thrusters, 155/105 lbs 6 Rope Climbs, 15 ft 11 Box Jumps, 24/20 in -Partner 1 will...
STRENGTH: Wendler Deadlift Week 2, Cycle 1 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: 10 rds 30 sec for max cal row/ 30 sec rest Score =...
STRENGTH: 20 min: Bench Press 5 sets of 8 reps, 5-10# heavier than last week Goal: do 3 sets at the same weight WOD: For time: Partition as desired...
STRENGTH: Wendler Back Squat Week 2, Cycle 1 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: Every 3 min for 4 cycles 6 Burpees to plate 8 Plate...
Skill: -KB hang sq cleans -kipping/butterfly pull-ups WOD: 4 rounds for time 400m Run 20 Single arm, kettlebell hang squat cleans 20 Pull-ups Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 53/35 PEEK into the WEEK...
Strength: 15 min to complete: Snatch pull 3-3-3-3-3 Start @ 80% of 1 RM Snatch and go up from there Rest 1.5-2min after each set WOD: 15 min AMRAP 15/12 Cal Row 20 Power Snatch, 95/65 15/12 Cal Row 15 Power...
Drills: Bar receiving -2 sets of 5 Tempo push press @ light → 3 sec negative to eyes then drop into the receiving position. Hold the receiving position for 2 sec. WOD: Running interval clock, complete...