WOD Blog

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Skill: Kettlebell Clean Technique WOD: For time 1600m Run 40 KB Cleans 20 Ring Dips 800m run 30 KB Cleans 15 Ring-Dips 400m run 20 KB Cleans 10 Ring Dips  Lv1: 35/18, push ups Lv2: 44/25, banded dips Lv3: 53/35 PEEK into the WEEK...

WOD: 40 min to find 1 rep max Deadlift Finish: Spinal rotations - video 1 min Childs pose hold 2 min per leg hamstring stretch PEEK into the WEEK...

STRENGTH: 17 min to find 1 rep max Strict Press WOD: For time 21 Burpees 9 Bar Muscle Ups 15 Burpees 7 Bar Muscle Ups 9 Burpees 5 Bar Muscle Ups *10 min cap* L2: C2B pull-ups L1: Pull-ups PEEK into the WEEK...

MOBILITY/ SQUAT PREP A. CNS stimulation Barbell back rack hold 20 sec on/ 1 min rest- 3x  @90-100+% of 1 rep max back squat B. Mobility Banded Spider lunges- hip distraction complex Banded Rocking spider lunges...

PARTNER WOD: 5 min stations for max reps/ 1 min rest between stations A. Sled push 1 rep = 50ft (45/15) B. 100m Sprint relay C. Calorie Row D. Burpees over plank E. Ground-to-overhead / or Double DB clusters for LNT Lv1:...

SKILL: Rope Climb Technique (TIP: WEAR KNEE-HIGH SOCKS) Progressions: -foot hook -from a box  -without a box -how to go up x2 -how to come down WOD: for time 5-4-3-2-1 Rope climb, 15ft * 10-8-6-4-2 Snatch (power or squat) Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3: 125/85 *Rope climb...

STRENGTH: Every 2 min x 5 sets   3 Tempo Strict press 0:0:3:2 @50-60% (3 sec negative with a 2 sec pause/reset at the front rack)  WOD: 3 rds for time 500m row 25 Hand-release push-ups  50 DUs PEEK into the...

STRENGTH: Every 2.5 min x 5 sets Back squat complex: 1 tempo*, 2 (1.25) squat, 2 regular  *tempo: 3 sec neg, 3 sec hold at bottom (3:3:0) →start at ~45% and increase as desired (no...

Hero WOD: “Blake” 4 rounds for time: 100ft Plate overhead walking lunges (45/25) 30 Box jumps (24/20") 20 Wall balls (20/14#) 10 Handstand Push-ups *30 min cap* "U.S. Navy Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician David Blake McLendon, 30, of Thomasville,...