WOD Blog

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Class Schedule Announcement! After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no...

Class Schedule Announcement! After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no...

Class Schedule Announcement! After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no...

Class Schedule Announcement! After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no...

Class Schedule Announcement! After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no...

Class Schedule Announcement! After a 5 week trial period of adding a 1pm and 4pm class, we have come to a conclusion. Starting next Monday, July 3rd we will no...

Strength: Every 2 min for 10 min 5 Strict HSPU at hardest progression. "Karabel": 10 rounds for time 3 Power Snatches 135/95 15 Wall Balls (20/14) Lv1: 75/55, 14/10 Lv2: 105/70, 16/12 Log your WOD scores here:...

Good Luck to all our Athletes Throwing Down at Contra Costa today! 8:30 am Lite N Tite Strength: Bent over Rows 4 x 12-15 "WOD 3": Partner A Starts 50 DB Snatch 1000m row 50 DB OHS Partner...

A: EMOM 8 min High Hang Clean + Low Hang Clean B: Front Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 @ 75-85% Every 2 min C: Alternating Every 30 sec -30 sec Strict Pull-ups Rest 30 sec -30 sec Hollow hold Rest 30 sec Finish: 90...