09 Feb WOD- Wednesday, Feb 10
Want a CrossFit Class for your kids? Help us launch CrossFit Kids at CFPH by filling out this survey. Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon,...
Want a CrossFit Class for your kids? Help us launch CrossFit Kids at CFPH by filling out this survey. Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon,...
Want a CrossFit Class for your kids? Help us launch CrossFit Kids at CFPH by filling out this survey. Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon,...
Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon, Wed, Thurs @ 6:30pm and Saturdays @ 11:30am. Get those lifts dialed in! Introducing Athlete of the Month for...
Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon, Wed, Thurs @ 6:30pm and Saturdays @ 11:30am. Get those lifts dialed in! Introducing Athlete of the Month for...
Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon, Wed, Thurs @ 6:30pm and Saturdays @ 11:30am. Get those lifts dialed in! Introducing Athlete of the Month for...
Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon, Wed, Thurs @ 6:30pm and Saturdays @ 11:30am. Get those lifts dialed in! Introducing Athlete of the Month for...
Attention Everybody! The Unlimited CrossFit membership now includes Barbell Club! Meets: Mon, Wed, Thurs @ 6:30pm and Saturdays @ 11:30am. Get those lifts dialed in! Introducing Athlete of the Month for...
Introducing Athlete of the Month for February: Kimberly Stevenson!! See Kim's CrossFit Journey here. Strength A: Every 90 for 6 rounds High Hang Clean + Hang Clean Strength B: 5x5 Back Squat Want a...
Want a CrossFit Class for your kids? Help us launch CrossFit Kids at CFPH by filling out this survey. Strength: Every 90 for 6 rounds 3 Touch-n-Go Snatch WOD: 800m run 21,15,9 Plate Burpee 45/35 PVC-Sit-Up 800m...
Every month we profile one CFPH athlete based on goals achieved, spirit, and all around AWESOMENESS! Presenting February's Athlete of the Month: Kimberly Stevenson! Kim joined CFPH right in the...