WOD Blog

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Strength: Sumo DL 25 min x 12 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 4 x 4 -add weight each set. WOD: “Dummy Grip” 3 Rounds: 30 DB Deadlift 10 Renegade Rows 200m Farmer...

Strength: Squat Cleans EMOM for 15 minutes complete 1 Squat Clean Start at 60% for minutes 1-5, 70% for minutes 6-10, 80% for minutes 11-15. All percentages are based off your...

Strength: Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 10 WOD: EMOM for 10 min Complete the following Plate Complex: 4 Burpees onto plate @ 45/25# 6 Plate Snatches @ 45/25# 8 OH Alternating Lunges @ 45/25# Finisher: Tabata Sit-ups [standout-css3-button...

Strength: Floor Press x12 x8 x6 x4 x4 x4 x4 Increase weight until you hit the 4 reps, then stay at the same weight for 4x4. WOD: 7 rounds for time 1 Rope Climb Run...

Skill: 20 min to complete 3 sets, (not for time) -30 sec L-Sit hold in rings/ parallets -30 sec HS hold wall/free -10 Knees2Feet -10 Kipping MU transition Drill -10 Ring Rows WOD:...

Skill/ Agility: T-Drills Run to middle cone, side shuffle left to cone, side shuffle to right cone, side shuffle back to center cone, turn around and sprint back. 3 attempts for...

Strength: Pause Back Squats Warm up to 75% of you 1 RM then EMOM for 7 mins perform 3 pause back squats at 75% of you 1 RM. WOD: For time Row 500m 20...

Strength: Strict Press 10 min to warm up to 75% of your 1RM then every 90 secs for 9 mins, perform 3 reps at that weight. WOD: 15 min AMRAP 10 Back Squats...