WOD Blog

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DRESS CODE FOR SATURDAY WOD: If you have a CFPH Tee, throw it on today! Please try to avoid wearing another CrossFit affiliate's logo tee & try to avoid...

STR Start at 50# below 1RM, then: 10+ min EMOM 1 Power Clean Add 5 lbs each set. If you accomplish your 1RM at 10 Min, continue EMOM until failure. WOD (Use 65% of weight of...

Mobilize: Calves, hip flexors and IT bands WOD Row 800m Run 800 m Row 400 m Run 400 m Row 200 m Run 200 m Row 100 m Sprint 100 m **Stagger start times to keep rower availability** [standout-css3-button...

“Fight Gone Bad” 3 rounds for reps, 1 min per station, of: Wall Balls @ 20#, 10 ft SDHP @ 75# BJ @ 20 in PP @ 75# Row for # of calories Rest 1 min Rotate...

STR Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 at 85% of 1 RM Maintain the same weight for all 5 sets of 3 reps WOD 7 min AMR(eps)AP OH Barbell Lunges (step back or forward, no walking. Feet must...

STR a) Establish a 1RM weighted strict Chin-Up. (reverse grip pull-up). b) Then drop weight to 70% of 1RM and do 3 sets of 3 reps strict weighted Chin-Ups WOD Complete the...

Skill Headstands and Handstands, 10 min to: a) Work on the tripod position against the wall/ or free and practice raising legs up and down in a piked or tucked position. b)...

Go get 'em CFPH TEAM!!! If you want to go out and support, here's details: Deuces Wild Competition For the rest of us staying in SF, here's the Partner WOD...

STR: Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets. WOD 5 Rounds, 3 Min AMRAP: 20 Double Unders 10 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115/75# 10 V-ups Rest 1 min between each round. [standout-css3-button...

WOD For Time: 30 Snatches @ 95/65# With 1 muscle up EMOM Note: Sub 2 Burpee C2B Pull-ups OR 3 Burpee pull-ups Finisher Accumulate 2 minutes of L Sit Holds on the parallettes with the least...