20 Sep WOD- Monday, Sept 21
Mobility Lab with Yasmen today at 6pm! Come to increase performance, gain better positions, and/or reduce pain. Free for all members!
Strength: Bench Press
4×5 @ 75%
Work up to 75% of 1RM and do 4 sets of 5 reps at same weight
WOD: for time
3 rounds
10 Pistols
10 Renegade Rows (Lv1: one push-up/ Lv2/Lv3: 2 push-ups)
3 rounds
20 MedBall Sit-Ups
40 Russian Twists
Let us present the athlete of the month for September: Nick Poggetti! Read more about Nick’s CrossFit journey here.
Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href=”http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/sept/21″]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button]
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